
Management Mission Statement:

NovusOrenStroy’s Management approach to Quality Assurance Excellence is based on the commitment from senior stake holders, whom strategically plan and lead the company by establishing processes and policies that directs a competent and qualified work force to construct:
Quality products that conform to the set’ requirements and provide services to customers that exceed expectations.
NovusOrenStroy Management Systems is based on ISO 9001:2015 processes and continuously evaluate business processes, risks and opportunities to enhance its efficiency to provide quality products and services to customers.

Quality Policy

NovusOrenStroy, Limited Liability Company – a Company operating in Sakhalin region providing a full range of services to the oil and gas industry, production, and civilian branches.
Possessing highly qualified personnel for construction, fabrication, engineering, and production, the Company focuses on providing competitive services and meeting the needs and requirements of Clients at a maximum possible level, never losing sight of doing so in a high quality fashion.

Our Mission:

To assure safe and quality construction products and services, compliant with requirements of our Clients, as well as compliant with Russian and International requirements.

Our Strategy:

• Preserve existing and discover new markets for product release.
• Continuously improve the quality of our products services centered on the requirements and expectations of our clients.
• Retain our trained and qualified work force by maintaining favorable work conditions (both physical and psychological), which will enable timely detection and resolution of issues that may arise.
NovusOrenStroy management has established the following principal directions for Policy implementation:
• Improve company operating efficiency and its competitiveness, considering the interests of our Clients, shareholders, and the work team.
• Systematic analysis of current and prospective requirements and expectations of Clients, as well as their satisfaction with our provided products and services.
• Fulfilling the requirements and continuous improvement of Quality Management System efficiency based on ISO 9001:2015.
• Regular personnel training and qualification upgrade.
• Assimilation of new, and improvement of existing production technologies.
• Development of company facilities through modification and technical upgrades, and procurement of new state-of-the-art machinery and equipment.
• Building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers based on trust and partnership.
The management of NovusOrenStroy, LLC undertakes the responsibility for implementation of this Quality Policy and shall ensure all personnel of the Company understand and support the Policy.