General information

NovusOrenStroy LLC is a recently founded 50-50 Joint Venture company between JSC OrenGroup and Ireland’s Novus Technical Services. It was established to provide international expertise of the two Companies to support Operations with Maintenance and Modifications, as well as construction projects in a live operating facility


NovusOrenStroy LLC goal is to minimize impacts to the environment and to protect our employees, subcontractors, clients, communities, and others who could be affected by our activities


NovusOrenStroy LLC Management Systems is established on the basis of a process approach as stated in ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems - Requirements


Safe Start 2020

In January 2020, Exxon Neftegas Limited conducted Safe Start, their annual campaign to promote compliance with HSSE, fire, and industrial safety requirements.

Congratulations on becoming a SRO Member

NovusOrenStroy, LLC was registered as a member of the “Self-Regulating Organization of Architects and Design Engineers of the Far East” Association (SRO).